The local history society for the Leyton & Leytonstone area of east London


Site last updated :

26 May 2024 : publication file of ‘Orient Way Footbridge – A Historical Overview’ by Adrian Frost made available as a free download

a 22 March 2024 : updated list of future talks including on downloadable membership form

10 November : updated list of future talks including on downloadable membership form

11 August 2023 short programme of guided history walks added to the home page; title and speakers for September updated

17 July 2023 : programme of talks updated to March 2024

1 March 2023 : talk by John Fisher postponed to February 2024

21 February 2023 : further events added to our programme for the 2nd half of 2023

20 February 2023 : some events added to our programme for the 2nd half of 2023

also, slightly changed instructions for purchasing Society publications to allow for payment by bank transfer as well as cheque

3 February 2023 : poster for February talk

3 September 2022 : change of talk on 16th November

5 August 2022 : download version updated of the main part of the publication ‘A listing of the streets of Leyton and Leytonstone’

4 July 2022 : title and image for the talk about the William Morris Gallery’s building

7 May 2022 : update on the talk in June

26 April 2022 : updated title for talk on 18th May

21 April 2022 : new publication Unruly & Predatory Cattle’, The Cows of Wanstead Flats by Andrew Cole, Mark Gorman and Peter Williams

18 February 2022 : Hannah Armstrong’s much anticipated book about Wanstead House will be published at a date yet to be confirmed but hopefully before the end of March [published by 31 March 2022].

14 January 2022 : Les Capon’s talk will be in St John’s Church Hall

‘Dick Turpin and the Knights of the Road’ by David Ian Chapman added to the list of publications available to purchase

5 January 2022 : more details about Les Capon’s talk, but not yet confirmed whether this will be in St John’s Church Hall on online by ‘Zoom’.

3 October 2021 : ‘Leyton in the Year 1840’ added as a free downloadable publication here

(Changes made earlier are not listed.)

Site updates