The local history society for the Leyton & Leytonstone area of east London



Wednesday March 19th  Caryle Webb-Ingall, Sue McCarthy, Dr Mary Clare Martin, Joyce Quarrie and Claire Weiss:  Renaming the Overground; Recalling Some Remarkable Women of Leyton and Leytonstone

Wednesday April 16th   Eleanor Bloom – The Loos of London

May 21st  Mark Gorman, and Peter Williams on their latest book, ‘Changing the Face of the Forest’

June18th Nick Dobson on Highgate Cemetery

July 16th Renske Mann – Cyril Mann, artist (her late husband)

Talks are generally on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm in St. John’s Church Hall

The entrance to St. John’s Church Hall is in the alleyway between St. John’s Church and the Aldi on Leytonstone High Road.  Buses 66, 145, W13 and southbound 257 stop on the Church Lane side of the station and W15, W16, W19 and 339 on the Grove Green Road side of the station.  You may be able to park nearby in Kirkdale Road after 6.30 (please check street signs for latest inform,ation).   If using the Central Line get off at Leytonstone not Leyton.  The postcode is London E11 1HH.

Talks are free for members, £2.00 contribution to costs requested from visitors.